Welcome to Words Live Here, a growing community of book lovers worldwide

Welcome to Words Live Here, a growing community of book lovers worldwide
Wishing you a warm welcome to my website! Books bring me much joy, so I thought , "why not share my opinions about what I read?! ". I desire to build a caring, connected bookish community where we read, share, learn, and grow together. I'm thrilled that an increasing number of indie authors are reaching out to me for reviews, so I've added a section below especially for them, with links to their books to support their creative ventures. As you scroll further down, you will find I've posted my very own 'Reader Rating Scale' (yes, I'm having fun with this website!). I assign a score from this Scale to each of the books I review. I put the recommendations you send me 'On the Bookshelf'. Please use the 'Contact Me' section to send me your suggested titles and to sign up for notifications of new reviews.. You can also connect with me about reviewing your book(s), as well as professional editing and writing services. I hope you enjoy some of these books as much as I have. The photos are snaps of the beautiful place I call home. Read on :)
Words Live Here
Warning: this process is entirely unscientific! LOL I love to read, I love to think about and talk about what I read, and I love to write… so voila! Here I am sharing my opinions, sheerly and merely my opinions, about books as I read them. My reading selections are as oddly mixed as my Spotfiy playlists. I capture highlights in each book’s review and then give it my overall Reader Rating Score. Some books touch me to the core, others move me in the moment like a song or sunset, others amuse, inspire or educate me….I love books…their very existence…the smell in a used bookstore…shared thoughts and creativity of authors across eras and places, classes and races. My favorite book is always the one I’m currently reading . I have rarely met a book I dislike, but I obviously enjoy some more than others. So I’ve compiled this scale to pair with each of my reviews.
I applaud and admire any person who writes and publishes a whole book.
I used a bookmark and it was always in the right place. I picked up this book, read a bit, and put it down again. Reading this was a little like eating a sandwich – satisfying and functional.
I laughed, I smiled. I learned a bit, thought a bit. Maybe my eyes got moist…or maybe it was eye strain. Either way, I enjoyed this book.
Caught my breath a few times, raised my eyebrows, laughed out loud, checked the locks, ignored my phone, kept on reading. Dog eared a few pages to make note of later…. cuz first I wanted to finish reading this book! Interesting conversations with friends about this book while reading it.
Breathless, like sitting in the warm sand, watching the full moon rising over my left shoulder, waves crashing against a pink stained sunset. I rarely read books twice…this one I would. I want more. The whole world deserves to know about this book!!
Thanks to each of you who have recommended a book. I look forward to more recommendations!
Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
Fifth Season by NK Jemisin
Dune by Frank Herbert
The Deepest Well by Nadine Burke Harris
Any books by Jacqueline Woodson
Small Graces by Kent Nerburn
Pirates of Scurvy Sands/Hilde Cracks the Case/Mia Mayhem series
Educated by Tara Westover
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
Where the Light Enters by Sara Donati
Pick Three: You Can Have It All (Just Not Every Day) by Randi Zuckerberg
Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
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